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Hungarian CRW Team Kupolaformaugrás kupola formaugrás
Hungarian CRW Team Kupolaformaugrás kupola formaugrás

It was around the end of 2009 - although the story is slowly being forgotten - that three more paratroopers at the time came up with the idea of starting to deal with canopy relative work jumping (then only CRW) within the Skydiver Division of the Albatrosz Flying Association.


This form of jump was then (and perhaps even now) immersed in the mystique of Hungary. The hitherto known and recognized jumps were carried out almost exclusively within the framework of the army, with funding there, "mortal civilian" jumpers had only individually recorded attempts.


The idea came about on the one hand due to a professional challenge, on the other hand (as it later turned out according to a misconception) on the basis of economic considerations.

The professional challenge was really that this form of jumping is developing more and more everywhere in the world, and every year the jumpers interested and trained in this sector create bigger and more interesting formations, and in Hungary only within the army or from the old days military experience gathered now civilian jumpers have formed more or less successfully spectacular smaller formations.

The economic consideration was that while the "real fun jump" requires altitude (meaning 4000 m) coupled with a very high price, CRW can be successfully and enjoyable (even more spectacularly) from lower altitudes to execute. The line of reasoning ran aground is that while this form of jumping can be performed at a relatively low cost, successful jumps require special (and fairly expensive) equipment. (But about that later)


So back to 2009. At the end of the year, three skydivers gathered to "change the world." They didn’t want to achieve much, just to make the form of jumping so far “in military hands” from next year a little more “civilian” to the delight of both themselves and others. Then they started planning from a "wellhead" without outside experience and help, thinking about how to make this jump.

At that time, they even wanted to use accuracy parachutes (ZENIT) operated by the aero club to carry out the task, as successful CRW jumps were performed with these equipment within the army.

The beginning of 2010 came, when during the first jumps (still in March) successful pair CRW jumps were performed. The initial successes were overshadowed by only one thing, the initial three-person company was reduced to two. The remaining jumpers performed the jumps with unbroken determination, with which they were able to build relatively safe pairs with the accuracy canopies. This developed to such a level that in July 2010 they made their first demonstration jump into the Sobri Jóska adventure park in KislÅ‘d, which is a very difficult terrain.
The success of the show didn’t get in the couple’s head and they continued to develop until the accuracy canopies and their own limitations allowed it.


Unfortunately, as in all technical sports, the point has come here that they have had to realize that their development is now hampered by the inadequacy of the equipment they use, which is not really suitable for CRW. In mid-2011, they were determined to ask for help or gain experience from a parachutist whose both professional background and available equipment are suitable for further development in this beautiful and exciting form of jumping.


They visited one of the most experienced CRW jumpers, who still actively cultivates this type of jump in Hungary today, and has four complete CRW gear at his disposal. From there, there was an explosive improvement in their performance because the canopy used (PD Ligthning) sharpened their abilities suppressed by previously inadequate equipment.


By the ninth month, four-way CRW formation had been created with confidence and they began to think in larger formations and more spectacular form. During this time, they paid their respects to the only civilian CRW demo jumping team (albeit formed from a military background) where they did not fail, and what is more, they "returned" enriched with new experiences. They built doubles, three-way, four-way formations, as well as two and three-way "bananas" as well as a two-way with flag.

Hungarian CRW Team Kupolaformaugrás kupola formaugrás
Hungarian CRW Team Kupolaformaugrás kupola formaugrás

They saw the time had come to procure two canopies of their own national color with which to perform demonstration jumps. At the end of 2011, an order was placed with Performance Designs for two PD-Lightning canopies, which arrived in the spring of 2012. They were already working on their own equipment throughout 2012, while taking part in several demonstration jumps, both in their own and guest teams. Then in the summer of 2013, their team expanded with two members and a third tricolor canopy, with which they managed to present several special forms (Hungarian "Y" and three-way with flag).

The year 2014 brought big changes in their lives. Perhaps most importantly, the team has expanded to "four" not only in headcount, but also in National-colored canopies. With this moment, the long-coveted and cherished dream was partially fulfilled ...

Four National-colored canopies that provide a unique visual experience for spectators and an indescribable experience for participants.


The other big change is that leaving the old usual club and environment,  they relocated their headquarters to Kaposújlak  to the Parachute Section of the Debrecen Air Sports Association, which was then the stronghold of parachuting in Hungary.



Despite all this, there was a break in the life of the team in 2016. Two of the members were left out of the group due to their privacy, and the equipment used (harness systems and reserve canopies) was also nearing the end of its lifetime. Unfortunately, in addition to these, professional development was hampered by the physicality of some of the members  deficiency: overweight. Nonetheless, the teamwork continued to pound, but by no means with the momentum and visual world they had represented so far.


By the end of 2017, they had to make a decision: either stop the group’s activities or eliminate the problems that had arisen. The latter was chosen and the 2018 season was opened so that the team was 60 kg lighter in total (through the hard work of two team members) and they acquired two AVALON SPORT type container harness systems and two SPEED2000 type reserve canopies. The club membership also had to be changed, because Kaposújlak airport provided adequate services, but it was very far away, so they were transferred to the Red Meteor Parachute Association in Budapest, and their practice jumps were returned to Börgönd airport. Meanwhile, the issue of population also seemed to be resolved, as a disbanded demonstration group, a professionally highly qualified member, without regretting energy and financial sacrifice, joined the work of the team.


This year, the dream of the team members came true, they were invited (which was successfully completed) to the August 20 airshow. The jump was made special not only by the imposing spectacle, but the environment of Budapest, which was poor in escape area possibilities, but also by the fact that they had to perform the task in front of the Parliament on the Danube. The video of the successful jump has left the largest promotional footprint in digital media to date, surpassing 60,000 views.


They are currently working on the professional "forging" of the team, presenting the four-way formations at the highest possible professional level ....

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